SMC’s Milestones
- Purchase of 1584 square meters of real estate property bordered by Miguel Cristi and General Luna streets
- Blessing of the St. Matthew’s Kiddie Center offering Pre-Elementary education
- Construction of the first two floors of the Grade School
- First Grade School Graduation
- Construction of the first building called Niño Mateo
- Government recognition given to St. Matthew’s Academy to open a high school with 62 students enrolled in the first year
- First High School Graduation
- Acquisition of the school’s first sound system
- Construction of a makeshift concrete stage for school programs
- Revision of the student handbook
- Drafting of the first Faculty Administrative Manual
- Birth of the SMC’s Employees’ Cooperative
- Completion of the Grade School Building
- Occupancy of the Preschool Building by the GRade One
- Introduction of computer education in all levels of the Grade School
- SMC cited as one of ten best performing schools in the NEAT regionwide
- SMC figures in Caltex-DOST national level
- Construction of the new building in May
- Covered Court for institutional activities and PE classes constructed
- Relocation of the Library to the third floor of the new building
- SMC declared the cleanest campus in San Mateo
- Creation of the Office of Student Affairs and Discipline (OSAD)
- Creation of the Academic Office and appointment of the first Academic Directress
- Permit to operate summer class in the high school granted
- Completion of the campus landscaping and the setting up of resort umbrellas
- Preparation of the college curriculum to open degree programs
- St. Matthew Academy given permit to open a college department
- Preparation of the High School Department for preliminary survey by the PAASCU
- Revision of the Faculty-Administration Manual
- Revisit of the Mission-VIsion by the Administration, Faculty, Office and Support Personnel
- Matthenian changed to Matthean
- Birth of the homeroom program in Grade School and High School
- Relocation of the Guidance Office, the Registrar’s Office and the Dean’s Office
- St. Matthew’s Academy changed to St. Matthew College
- The title Overall Directress changed to Executive Vice President
- Formation of the Homeroom Parents’ Team (HPT)
- Construction of the Multipurpose Hall at the basement
- The Grade School second in the NEAT, Division Level
- Construction of the waiting shed
- Formation of the Faculty/Staff Development Task Force (FDTF)
- First Medical Mission with more than ten doctors
- Creation of the Office of the Alumni Association and the appointment of its moderator
- Appointment of a moderator for Community Extension Program
- Birth of the College Student Handbook
- Addition of three college courses; AB Communication, BSIT, and BSES
- Naming of the Grade School Building as Arsenio Building and the High School Building as Elisea Building
- Introduction of Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) and designation of one computer laboratory for the purpose
- Construction of three computer laboratories, 3 audio-visual rooms, and 4 science laboratories in the extension of Elisea Building
- Acquisition of more books and multimedia devices for instruction
- Drafting of the articles of incorporation and the bylaws and constitution of the Arsenio-Elisea Foundation, Inc., and the election of its first set of officers of the board
- Blessing of the new facilities
- Hosting of DepEd-sponsored seminar for the schools in San Mateo, Montalban and Concepcion
- Weeklong celebration of the 20th Foundation Anniversary of SMC
- Launch of the AER Foundation, Inc.
- Cementing of the parking space
- Hosting of the MANCOM seminar
- Repainting of the Arsenio Building and the provision of iron gates on the ground floor
- Repainting of the Elisea Building
- Implementation of stickers for vehicles servicing students
- Accredited status obtained from Bureau of Immigration
- Formulation of a formal program for Community Extension (CEP)
- Launch of the Pullout Program in English
- Launch of the Fostering Program of the Guidance Office
- Provision of ‘accordion’ gates/walls to secure the Elisea Building
- Landscaping of the school campus and construction of the Marian Garden
- Launch of the SMC website during the first ITC/Cyberfest
- SMC declared “School of the Future” by the NEAP Deputy Director, DepEd
- Renovation of the AER Building and provision of iron fence to enclose it
- Repainting of the third floor of the AER Building and installation of electrical facilities
- PAASCU Preliminary Survey of the HS Department
- SEC Registration of the Alumni Association
- First Graduation in college
- First Holy Communion held at the SMC gym for the first time
- First Lantern Festival, Christmas Tableau
- First Christmas dance pageant for Grades 1 and 2
- Putting up an airconditioned MI (Multiple Intelligences) room in the GS
- Participation of the HS in the Digital LG Quiz Show, Channel 7
- Additional Miguel Cristi Gate installed
- Repainting of the interior of the canteen and installation of stainless steel counters and exhaust fans
- Installation of trunk lines
- Provision of a dining area for the HS Faculty
- Draping of all classrooms in the AER and Elisea buildings
- Reroofing of comfort rooms near the aviary
- Installation of vinyl tiles in the basement offices: Student Activity, Consultation, Publication and CEP
- Installation of stainless aluminum staircase edge and a manually operated steel roll-up window and door in the Business Office
- Use of satellite disk for internet connection
- Fencing of the perimiter near the gym area
- Additional LCD Panasonic Projector with view tech projector screen
- Acquisition of the following laboratory equipment: 1 unit of Microscopic Projector, 1 unit of Main Body Viewer, 1 set of Idea Science Interactive Devices, realia: models of the human heart, human skeleton, magified eye, human ear, and an oral hygiene set; an aquarium with aquatic species
- Level 1 PAASCU status granted to the HS Department
- The first Family Camp sponsored by the HPT Officers titled FunPamilya
- Launch of the St. Matthew Laboratory School